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About Me


My name is Lola Evans and we are coming to you live from the END OF THE WORLD!!!


Lol, just kidding. It's not the end of the world. It may have felt like it for a while, but we're managing.


I was 14 nearly 15 when the world seemed to stop, but once things were settled I started writing about day-to-day life. I used to write a lot when I was little, but it was just petty things about girls who didn't like me and crap like that.


Now I just want to remember how things were, how we survived, how we lived. I don't want to forget it. I don't want people to look back and think we all just started killing each other for survival, because that's not what happened. I want them to see that we survived, that we pulled together. That humanity is better than the literary classics thought it could be.



So, here is some of my story. Don't judge the poor handwriting, it's not like I'd planned on sharing my diary with the world when I was writing it.


Click Here  to begin...



Lola xo

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