Day 508 of the Apocalypse
28th June 2036
We did it! We actually did it!
It took a month to get the council to agree and plan the damn thing, but we finally had a football tournament! We had several mixed teams, so Ashley and I made them bibs out of scavenged fabrics. Everyone brought sandwiches and snacks, fruit and cakes and someone even brought along fresh orange juice.
Toby and his friends offered to ref the matches. My throat hurts from screaming and cheering so much. Aiden was captain of one of the teams with Josh, my friends Sasha and Lewis were in another. Sammy, Dewi, Callum and Gareth were split up and put into different teams, but they didn’t seem to mind. Sammy even helped Aiden up after a harsh tackle and Callum thanked me for the food! I don’t think he ever spoke a nice word to me before today.
It gets better!
As my friends were walking me home after the last match, some of the council members came up to us and told us they were looking to set up a committee for the younger generation. We can finally have a say!
Not bad for a day’s work.