Day 421 of the Apocalypse
23rd March 2036
I mean, the first Dark Ages was called that because very little is known about the era. This Dark Ages is named quite accurately because everything went down and hasn’t come back up. We didn’t have a bomb dropped on us, (as far as I know), or get wiped out by the plague or a zombie horde. The world just sort of stopped. All at once. No electric, no running water, no petrol, no gas. Nothing works. Including my brand new iPhone Alpha. Bloody thing cost a fortune and now it’s dead. Finito. Ca-put.
I guess we could have been hit by an EMP, but I doubt we’ll even know for sure.
It’s taken us over a year to get our shit together. It’s why I’ve not written in my journal for a while – been trying to help my Dad keep the village from falling apart. I think the grown-ups thought the army was going to swoop in and help restore order. That didn’t happen. So, we sorted ourselves.
Con to living in the countryside – really bad hay fever
Pro to living in the countryside – we have a lot of farms in the area. Lots of farms = lots of food
We’ve adapted fairly well considering what we were used to. We collect and ration rainwater, grow what’s in season, maintain a replenishable livestock, preserve lots of stuff as pickles and chutneys. We even have a village council to run things and a school for under thirteens, (my friends and I help out there a few times a week).
I guess you just have to adapt to survive. Adapt or die out.