Day 448 of the Apocalypse
26th April 2036
The market was irritatingly busy today. All I wanted was to sleep in after staying up to help Mum with a patient, but nooooo. I still had to wake up at the crack of dawn. I had to help Toby hall our veg to the market, the crates and buckets rattling annoyingly in the wheelbarrow.
He’s off trading some of Dad’s jam and relish for string and herbs for Mum’s garden – she has a book full of herbal remedies for stomach bugs and stuff like that. All of the paracetamol, nurofen, ibuprofen, calpol, piraton and any other medicine you can think of was used up months ago. Either that or some selfish prick is stockpiling the only supply. We don’t even have penicillin for diabetics.
Aiden just hurried up to our stand. (I’ve not been able to see him in weeks: my Dad’s still pissed about the fight and thinks it was his fault.) Aiden’s mum is on the village council and apparently they believe the ‘youngsters’ are getting too restless. Ricky and his gang have been trashing all of the abandoned cars in the dump, rallying more of the kids from the outer farms.
They’ve stopped coming in to help the school, stopped trading and are stealing from their families to stockpile goods. He says they’re acting out because they don’t like being told what to do.
Well, tough shit! We’ve all got to do our part otherwise we’ll all starve.
Maybe someone will convince the council banishment should be considered a punishment for insubordination? What I wouldn’t give to have those pricks out of our lives.